Even though many individuals want to switch over to solar energy mainly because it is a great way to save money and help our planet, many individuals think that this is just too expensive to do. While purchasing solar energy panels will be one of the costs that you will incur when switching to solar power, there are some other things which will have to be bought and it is possible to save money. The costs involved in setting up a solar panel system is something we’re going to be going over in this post to give you an idea of what you can expect.
Although many men and women end up going out and purchasing everything separately you’ll see that they do sell complete systems to make sure men and women have everything they need to get started. One thing I ought to mention is that when you buy these complete systems, there’s one thing that is not included and those are the batteries in order to store the energy you don’t use. If you wind up building a large solar panel system you will need a lot more batteries than if you decide to just create a smaller solar panel system. You’re going to want to purchase deep cycle batteries and you’re going to see that you are going to be able to find these just about anywhere and the price is about $100 each.
Something I would like to point out is that traditionally it will be more expensive to purchase a complete system than to go out and purchase everything separately, and these complete systems can be quite expensive. If you would like to buy your solar energy panels separately you are going to find that you can purchase three or four, 100 watts each panel’s for about $1000. For those people that are just looking to cut their electricity costs or power their home if they have a small home and they’re the only ones living there, 3 or 4 solar panels should be more than enough panels. Nevertheless for those who have a four bedroom home and in addition have four or five folks living in your house, you may find that you’ll need a larger solar panel system comprised of 10 or 20 solar energy panels.
Once you have your solar power panels and batteries you’ll need a few other a items in order to make your system complete and that is going to be a power inverter and a charge controller. It’s extremely hard to come up with an actual price for the power inverter simply because there are plenty of different sizes and the larger the inverter you need the more cash you will need to pay for it.
Generally, you can set up a small solar panel system, if you purchase everything separately for about $1500 to be able to get started. If you are one of the people who are not handy in any way, you’ll most likely need someone to install the system for you, and this needless to say is a thing that will be an added expense.